
Be Part of Our Mission

At the CMC Foundation, your donations make all the difference in the world to us, and we appreciate your interest in supporting our organization and mission..

We rely on the generosity of donors like you to continue our important work. Donations made to CMC help us provide our students with advanced training, real case studies, journal discussions, and more. The education and training we provide better prepares podiatric students to become residents and doctors and helps them prepare better treatment.

Donations also help us to put our helpful healthcare content and information to the general public.

Whatever amount you choose to donate to the CMC Foundation, we are grateful for your help in our mission to provide better medical education for both students and the general public. We accept donations in various forms, and every donation, no matter the amount, is appreciated and will help us achieve our goals.

Whether your donation goes toward our training labs or our content, your generous contribution is helping to further our mission of opening up medical knowledge to a greater population and furthering the education of all.

Thank you for considering a donation to our organization. Your support will help us continue to make a positive impact on our community and beyond.

If you have questions about donating whether it's tax related or you'd like your donation to go to a specific aspect of CMC, please contact

We’re proud to say that all the donations we receive go directly toward our students in our programs. 

Your donation will help support the educational content we provide in our STEPS program, it can help a medical student with their tuition and textbooks, it helps facilitate our medical missions, and more.

We are grateful for any amount you can donate, and every contribution makes a difference. There is no donation too small.

If you have questions about donating whether it’s tax related or you’d like your donation to go to a specific aspect of CMC, please contact

